Usio integrated payments 2024

The Truth About Integrated Payments with Revenue Share for SaaS


In the quest for sustainable growth, software companies are always on the lookout for new ways to bring in steady revenue. Let us show you a practical example of how revenue share works via integrated payments, and answer questions like: where does the money come from? You decide if revenue share is right for your organization.


Let’s say you have 1,000 software users and 80% start processing payments (800 users.) Those 800 users process $20,000 each per month for a total of $16mm, in processing volume every month. That $16mm turns into a net take-home income of $64,000 per month, or $768,000 per year for you. That is right, we said $786,000 per year in your pocket.

To further understand where these funds originate, you must have a basic understanding of payment interchange rates and transaction fees.

Interchange Fees

The interchange rate is a crucial aspect of credit and debit card transactions, involving fees that merchants must pay for each transaction. These rates are determined by the card issuing companies, compensating them for assuming credit risk and managing the inherent expenses associated with these transactions. The actual rates can vary based on the specific payment network utilized, and they often consist of either a percentage of the transaction amount, a flat fee, or a combination.

Interchange Fee Summary

  • Interchange rates are fees imposed on merchants for card transactions. Card processing companies like Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express and Payment processors charge these fees.
  • The interchange rate is usually a small percentage of the transaction amount, and currently, it tends to be higher for credit card transactions than for debit card transactions.
  • The rationale behind interchange fees lies in providing a cushion against the credit risk assumed by financial companies due to consumers who borrow for these purchases.

Payment Service Provider Fees

Payment facilitators, also known as payment aggregators or payment service providers (PSPs), typically charge transaction fees for the services they offer. These fees can vary depending on the specific payment facilitator and the nature of the transactions being processed.

Payment facilitators, like Usio, enable software companies to accept payments without the risk or need for a separate merchant account. Instead, they aggregate transactions from multiple merchants under their own master merchant account. This simplifies the onboarding process for smaller businesses and streamlines payment processing.

In return, payment facilitators typically charge a flat rate or a percentage-based transaction fee on each payment processed. This fee covers the costs associated with payment processing, fraud prevention, customer support, and the facilitator’s profit margin. These fees are also collected from the merchant. Becoming a payment facilitator on your own is not advisable… the cost is well over a million dollars and the process itself takes more than a year.


The collected interchange fees, and payment processing fees are paid by the merchant per transaction. Those dollars are then divided between Usio, Usio Partners (just like you), banks and the credit card issuing company. Remember, this is just a simplified explanation. There are also processing fees associated with many other types of payments.


While certain major payment processors discreetly employ revenue-sharing practices, they reserve this option exclusively for retail conglomerates. In stark contrast, Usio stands apart by prioritizing revenue sharing for small to mid-sized technology enterprises. Our partners enthusiastically endorse the revenue-sharing aspect, yet the primary catalyst for their transition to Usio remains the unparalleled level of service and support we provide.

About Usio

Usio, trusted with billions of dollars in transactions, is a leading fintech payment solution. The Usio Platform delivers the most secure, simple and cost effective payment experience for our partners and their customers. From online, to in-line, mobile and traditional solutions, Usio payment methods include credit/debit cards, ACH, Prepaid cards and Remotely Created Checks. Usio services include Payment Facilitation as a Service, Integrated Payments, Text2Pay, prepaid card issuing, printing/mailing, hosted payment pages, electronic bill presentment/payment, account verification, and recurring billing.

Plus, Usio holds the unique distinction of being in business for more than 25 years and is just one of few who is Nacha Certified.

Contact Usio today for a free consultation.

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