Yellow abstract logo resembling a stylized checkmark with a detached dot on a black background.

The Future of ACH: The Value and How to Include It in Your Payment Strategy

Consumers are seeking faster, more efficient ways to handle transactions. The Automated Clearing House (ACH) network, a key player in the realm of electronic payments, has evolved to meet these demands. As we look to the future, ACH is poised to become even more integral to financial operations. Understanding its value and how to incorporate […]

What is the Best Payment Gateway for My SaaS or ISV?

Image of Usio payment gateway

Choosing the right payment gateway is a crucial decision for any SaaS (Software as a Service) business or ISV. This decision impacts your cash flow, user experience, and even your company’s reputation. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which payment gateway best suits your needs. Today, we’ll dive into why […]

Frequently Asked Questions: Integrated Payments for Software Companies

Here are some of the FAQs software companies ask Usio about integrated payments, along with comprehensive answers to help you navigate this critical aspect of your business. 1. What are integrated payments? Integrated payments refer to the seamless incorporation of payment processing capabilities directly within a software application. This means users can make and receive […]