Graphic of business tools including a target with an arrow in the bullseye, a rising bar chart, magnifying glass, and coins, symbolizing goal achievement and financial analysis.

One Company, Infinite Possibilities

In September of 2017, Singular Payments was acquired by Payment Data Systems, Inc., a publicly traded financial technology company that found value in what Singular Payments does and those we serve. Since 1998, Payment Data Systems has provided innovative technologies to provide for the acceptance of payments across thousands of platforms. Over the past several years, the evolution of our business has vastly accelerated. Through the acquisition of several companies, Payment Data Systems now offers solutions covering processing needs from card issuing to merchant acquiring and operates interfaces ranging from mobile apps to application programming interfaces. 

Effective July 1, 2019, Payment Data Systems became Usio, Inc., pronounced “YOU-see-oh”. Furthermore, the new ticker symbol on the Nasdaq Capital Market Exchange became “USIO”. Please visit our new website to watch a video that honors our past and tells the story of how we will shape the future of payments. Our new name, Usio, represents the f”usio”n of the many products and services that comprise our organization, as well as the many incredible people that you’ve come to know and trust. We are on a mission to remove complexities and make payments simple. 

To learn more about everything we do and how we are able to serve you with other innovative FinTech solutions, visit us at our new home: 

We are one company with infinite possibilities and are poised to serve you even better in the days, months and years to come. Innovation has positioned us to become who we are, and innovation will continue to shape who we become in the future. 

If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ’s.  If for any reason you would like to speak with us, please do not hesitate to reach out by calling 877.829.2170.  Thank you again for trusting us to serve you. 

Vaden Landers
Executive Vice President & Chief Revenue Officer 
Usio, Inc.

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Elevate Your Payment Experience

Integrated Payment Processing is Just One Click Away

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